Terms of use for test-iq.com
(also referred to as the "Terms")
- Introductory Provisions
- Using the services and websites of I & Q GROUP, spol. s r.o. on the test-iq.com portal (hereinafter together referred to as "the Service") is governed by these terms of the contractual relationship between the User and I & Q GROUP, spol. with Registered Office, Freyova 82/27, Prague, Czech Republic, filed with the Registry Court in Prague, Section C, File 137166 (hereinafter referred to as the "Provider").
- For the purposes of these Terms, the user is a natural or legal person who is eligible to act in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, uses the Provider's Services and is registered or complies with these Terms and Conditions in accordance with these Terms By creating a user account (also referred to as "User").
- In order to use the Service, the User must first agree to the Terms. If the User does not agree with the Terms, he can not use the Service. Agreeing with the Terms the User will also express his /her use of the Service.
- The service provided by the Provider is in particular the ability to detect the Intelligence Quotient of the User through the intelligence test, or the average amount of Intelligence Quotient of the States ("IQ Tests") as well.
- Basic Definitions: IQ = Intelligence Quotient (Quotient = ratio, share) is an intelligent pointer with a normal distribution of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Test = a combination of tasks and possible answers where the best right solution is one. The test can evaluate different types of IQ (natural intelligence, numerical intelligence, spatial 3D intelligence, etc.) and merge them into a single IQ value, which is the more accurate the more tests the user is going through.
- The services provided by the Provider to the User are provided "as is". The Provider does not provide the User with any warranties regarding the Services, in particular no warranties regarding the functionality, speed and availability of the Services.
- User Rights and Responsibilities
- Service available from age 16.
- The user is not entitled to use the Service for any purpose inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions or applicable law of the Czech Republic or other states pertaining to the User or to damage the Provider's reputation. The User undertakes to indemnify the Provider for any damage resulting from the User's breach of these Terms and Conditions.
- If a User detects any third party's misuse of his identification data and passwords, he will immediately notify the Provider.
- In order for a user to know the results of his IQ test, he must choose the same site he /she is currently in. Otherwise, the results of the IQ test will not be available to the User for technical reasons.
- If a User uses any Provider's Service in violation of these Terms and Conditions, the Provider is entitled at any time, without prior notice, without giving any reason and without any right on the part of the User to terminate or restrict the provision of the Services
- Service Fee
- The use of the Service by the User is subject to a fee, as a result of a composite IQ test. The amount of the fee is governed by the Provider's pricelist, which also specifies the payment terms and information on taxes and fees; delivery costs are not charged or charged due to the nature of the Services.
- Service price: 7 USD
- By entering the order and paying the reward for the result of the IQ test, a contract (hereinafter also referred to as the "Agreement") between the Provider and the User is governed by these Terms and the Provider's offer. The user expressly agrees that the IQ test result will be provided to him immediately after the conclusion of the contract, based on user requirements, ie before the expiration of the general withdrawal period. The successful execution of the payment will generate a document to the User, which together with these Terms constitutes a text copy of the contract; The User is entitled to save and print these Terms. At the same time, the user agrees that the information contained in these Terms is provided in a different text form, ie not in writing.
- Withdrawal and Consumer Information
- If the User is a consumer within the meaning of Section 419 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, it has the right to withdraw from a contract concluded when using distance communication devices without giving any reason within 14 days of its takeover. If the User has already started to perform the Contract at the user's request, the User will pay to the Provider the agreed price for the Services provided until the withdrawal, so the User does not have the right to withdraw from the Contract in the scope of the already provided Services. Resignation is required by the User to address consumersupport@iq-test.eu , and may also use the provided withdrawal form, which is Appendix 1 to these Terms.
- The cost of using the Communication Services by the Provider does not increase the Service price and are included therein. The cost of remote means of communication on the part of the User goes to his burden.
- Complaints about any Problem with the Services or payment are handled by the Provider at consumersupport@iq-test.eu . The user is obliged to claim the rights of defects immediately after the defect is detected or after the defect can be ascertained in the exercise of the usual care. Complaints Provider deals as soon as possible, regularly within 24 hours. The Provider will make the maximum for the positive settlement of the claim. Other claims for compensation for defective performance will be settled without undue delay and the Provider will inform the User about the outcome of the complaint no later than 30 days after the claim has been filed. In the event that a claim is acknowledged, the User will be credited with the amount corresponding to the extent of the defective service provided if the User does not expressly exercise any other legal entitlement. However, it is not considered as a defect in the Service that it is impossible to enter the SMS code due to a failure of the Internet connection or technical equipment of the User.
- All disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms or arising in connection with the Services will be settled by the Provider amiciously. In the event of disagreement with resolving the claim, the user has the right to refer to out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes at the Czech Trade Inspection, with the registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Praha 2, ID: 000 20 869, Internet address: www.coi.cz
- The user is entitled to cancel his registration at any time by request addressed to the Provider.
- Privacy Policy
Document here
- Partner Program Terms - Commision System.
- The user who participates in the IQ Testing System (hereinafter referred to as the "Partner") is obliged to protect the Provider's good reputation, always in accordance with the Provider's interests and always act in a manner that does not harm the Provider's interests. In particular, the Partner may not mislead or mislead information about the Service and its nature, mislead the User or potential User of the Services as a result of the Service's misconception and its nature, nor entice the User or potential User of the Services for benefits not provided by the Provider; These advantages are presented in a deceptive manner.
- The Partner is obliged to provide the Provider with all the Provider's requested information and background information about the implemented or ongoing Partner Campaigns.
- In the event of a breach of the Partner's obligations, the Partner is obliged to immediately inform the Provider of such breach and, in accordance with the Provider's instructions, take all steps to minimize the damage caused by the Provider, in particular, to refrain from any further violation of the Commission's Program Rules, modify or terminate promotional activity, site, revoke or correct your previous statements and negotiations etc. at the expense of the Partner. The other claims of the Provider are unaffected.
- The Partner is only entitled to a commission (commission) if he has promoted the Services in accordance with the Terms.
- In the event of a violation of the Partner Terms, the Partner is not entitled to a reward and the Partner is obliged to reimburse all of the remuneration paid by the Provider.
- Final Provisions
- The Provider may at any time unilaterally change the content of these Terms. Any changes to these Terms become effective after the date of publication and set by the date specified by the Provider, but with respect to each User only if the User agrees to such a change. The user's continued consent to use of the Services is considered to be the endorsement by the User after the date specified by the Provider as the effective date of the change of the Terms. If the User does not agree with the changes to the Terms, he is obliged to refrain from using the Services after the date specified by the Provider as the effective date of the change of the Terms. For the avoidance of doubt, the parties claim that a User who has previously registered using Services prior to the effective date of these Terms, and continues to use the Services on the basis of the original registration, becomes a User without these Terms and Conditions.
- If any provision of these Terms or Conditions becomes or becomes invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, it is fully separable from the other provisions of these Terms, and such invalidity or unenforceability will have no effect on the validity and enforceability of any other provisions of these Terms and Conditions. In such a case, the Provider will replace such an invalid or unenforceable clause by any other provision that will, as far as possible, match the content of the original provision.
- These Terms and the relationship between the Provider and the User are governed by the laws of the Czech Republic. In the case of litigation, the General Court of the Provider is competent if the User is not a consumer. These Terms are prepared in the Czech language and the contract can be concluded only in the Czech language. The English version of the Terms is binding and any other language versions of these Terms are only for information.
- The User acknowledges and agrees that the rights and obligations of the contractual relationship between the User and the Provider pursuant to these Conditions may be transferred in whole or in part to third parties pursuant to Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, in force wording. The transfer of rights and obligations from the contractual relationship between the User and the Provider shall not affect the validity and effectiveness of these Terms and Conditions or contracts concluded between the User and the Provider pursuant to these Terms and Conditions. The transfer of rights and obligations under this provision will be notified to the User in the manner specified in Article 7 (1) of these Terms.
- Any communication between the Provider and the User is electronically via e-mail.
- These Terms of Service apply on 1.1. 2018.
I & Q GROUP, spol. s r.o.
Appendix 1: Pattern withdrawal form
(fill out this form and send it back only if you want to withdraw from the contract)
- Addressee : I & Q GROUP, spol. s r.o., with its registered office at Freyova 82/27, Vysočany, 190 00 Praha
- Reporting /Notification (*), Exiting (*) Providing these services (*)
- Order Date (*) / Received Date (*)
- Name and surname of consumer /consumer
- Consumer /Consumer Address
- Consumer /Consumer Signature (only if this form is sent in paper form)
- Date
(*) Delete as inappropriate or add data.